Thursday, March 3, 2011

Long-Distance Relationships Can Be Sweet!

Having a successful relationship with someone who lives around the corner is difficult.

Having a successful relationship with someone who lives thousands of miles away is twice the challenge.

It might be hard to imagine maintaining a thriving long-distance relationship, but imagine how you’d feel if you let fear and physical separation get in the way of your happiness.  Though this kind of relationship does present hurdles and stumbling blocks that other relationships do not, a long-distance relationship can flourish if both partners are dedicated to making it work. 

For successful long-distance love, keep these things in mind:

- Make sure you’re both on the same page.  You must establish the rules and goals of your relationship right away.  Are you exclusive or open?  What are your aspirations for the relationship?  How will you refer to yourselves (“Dating?”  “Seeing each other?” “Boyfriend and girlfriend?” “Lovers?” “Partners?”)?  Is relocation a possibility if the relationship takes a more serious turn?  Discussing these issues might be uncomfortable, but it’s nothing compared to the discomfort and heartache that comes from misunderstandings.

- Don’t succumb to jealousy.  It’s easy to let your imagination run wild when you’re apart, but it will destroy your relationship.  If they miss one scheduled phone call, it’s not the end of the world!  To help curb jealousy, be honest with your partner always, and learn to communicate effectively.

- Share the responsibility.  Don’t always expect your partner to send letters or initiate phone conversations – a one-sided relationship will lead to resentment.

- Give your partner something to remind them of you.  Every time they hold or use it, you’ll be on their mind!

- Do things together, even when you’re apart.  Phone calls, emails, and text messages get boring after a while.  While they are important elements of long-distance relationships, there are many other ways a long-distance couple can feel connected with each other.  Watch the same movie at the same time.  Listen to the same CD together.  Cook the same meal for dinner.  Learn to play the same instrument or sport.  Take a class on the same subject. Read a book together (or to each other over the phone or via Skype).  Send flowers, letters, care packages, photos, and other gifts to surprise your partner.  Talking about shared experiences like these will help you defy the distance. As long as both partners are committed to its success, a long-distance relationship is a totally viable option for your love life.

Karma, Life, Destiny Or Fate, What Makes Relationships Work?

It’s just karma; for every action, there is a reaction; it must be fate; this was destined to be; these are all clichés that we have heard time and again, but what do they really mean.  According to Wikipedia Karma is the result of cause and effect, and here at It’s Just Karma we want to explore that dynamic in relationships.
Who has ever met two people at the exact same time and taken and instant like for one and an instant dislike for the other?  What is it in our minds that determine who or what we like and don’t like.  Is this a result of Karma?  BeCause you find one more attractive than the other, the effect is that you like them more.

Have you ever noticed that when we meet a person who does not interest us romantically, they fall in love with us as if we are their soul mates?  Then on the other hand when we meet someone who is attractive to us, they tend to display ambivalence and aloofness towards us.  What is really the cause between the two that has such an effect on the outcome of relationships?

In the case of relationships between members of the opposite sex, I believe the initial reaction is based solely on appearances.  When you first meet someone and declare “I really like this person”, what you actually mean is “I really like the way this person looks”.  No one can possibly decide they really LIKE someone they have only known for a week.  The reality is you don’t even know this person. You have a strong attraction and want to get to know them, but you do not know them.Some couples declare “It was love at first sight”.  For me, this translates into “It was lust at first sight”.  Some of these couples are happy enough to remain in this partnership until actual love develops, but usually once the lust fizzles out so does the relationship.

Most people go through life with this quest to find that perfect someone.  Some people are successful while others are not.  Where lie’s the secret to this success?  I am embarking on a journey of understanding.  I am determined to understand how men and women think about people of the opposite sex, friends, and relationships as a whole.  I welcome input from both sexes about all kinds of relationships.

Dating And Age: Is It Really Just A Number?

“Cougar.”  “Cradle robber.”  “Gold digger.”  “Jailbait.”  “May-December romance.”  “Boy toy.”  “Lolita.”

The English lexicon is packed with disparaging terms used to describe relationships between people who are dating and have a large gap in their ages.  When marriages were arranged merely for convenience, like monetary gain or a raise in social status, age differences were not uncommon.  In fact, they were often the norm.  These days, however, an older man who dates a younger woman is often accused of taking advantage of her, while a younger man who dates an older woman is teased about having “mommy-issues” or being a kept man.

Which point of view is the reality?  When it comes to dating Is age ever really just a number?  Before embarking on a serious relationship in which an age gap is involved, consider the following questions:
Are you in tune with your partner’s concerns?

It’s true that you are dating a person, not a birth date, but age and experience will still factor into your relationship.  If you are dating someone older, they might feel threatened by people in your life that they perceive as more attractive because they are younger.  They may also worry that you are missing out on vital life experiences by being with them.  If you are dating someone younger, he or she might feel inadequate when compared to your older, more mature acquaintances.  Make sure that your partner never feels that they are lacking in any way.

Are you heavily influenced by the opinions of others?
You are likely to encounter many questions and criticisms regarding your relationship – if you can’t handle them without getting hurt, a relationship with an age gap is probably not for you.
What are your long-term relationship goals?

An age difference may not seem like a problem at first, but it might become an issue as the relationship progresses.  What if one person plans to retire and then travel, while the other is stuck in one place working or finishing a degree?  What if one person is ready to get married and have a family, and the other is not? For a relationship with an age gap to work, both partners must have similar life plans.

If you are serious about making your relationship work, it can turn into a wonderful short-term learning experience or a strong long-term bond.  So take a chance – broaden your horizons and give yourself the opportunity to gain a new perspective on life and relationships.

What Men Need To Know About Dating And Relationships

What may seem surprising to a lot of women is that there are plenty of men in the world who have similar desires regarding dating and relationships, that women have. There are also a lot of men who have problems with dating and finding the right woman with whom to build a real relationship. So with these men in mind, I did some research on available dating and relationship advice for men.
What I found was that there really is not a lot of good advice available online for men. For some reason, most people seem to think that the questions on these subjects are asked only by the female gender. But here is some of the best relationship advice for men who are looking for that special someone.
What most men need to understand is that women actually like a lot of the things that men find attractive. At our core, there are a lot of similarities between the sexes. Following are a few
Women like a little mystery. In fact some mystery in the beginning is essential. A good mystery needs to be solved. Women become determined to get to the bottom of it, and in the process good things can develop.
Women like a bit of a challenge. A man who declares his undying love for a woman after knowing her for three weeks is no challenge. Typically men crave physical intimacy and women are looking for love. The same way a female will hold back with the physical intimacy is the same way a man should hold back on declarations of adoration.
Women like men who appear strong. A strong man gives the impression that he will both take charge, and yield when the need arises. This gives women the feeling of security that they all want from their relationship without sacrificing compromise.
Women like confident men. Be sure of yourself and a woman will think you are capable of anything. Both men and women like to feel that their partner can and will take care of them. You scratch my back and I will scratch yours!
As with all relationships, it goes both ways. Yin and Yang must work together to create a peaceful universe. The challenge is to put the two halves together to create a happy whole. Following this dating relationship advice for men is sure to get you off in the right direction.