Thursday, March 3, 2011

Karma, Life, Destiny Or Fate, What Makes Relationships Work?

It’s just karma; for every action, there is a reaction; it must be fate; this was destined to be; these are all clichés that we have heard time and again, but what do they really mean.  According to Wikipedia Karma is the result of cause and effect, and here at It’s Just Karma we want to explore that dynamic in relationships.
Who has ever met two people at the exact same time and taken and instant like for one and an instant dislike for the other?  What is it in our minds that determine who or what we like and don’t like.  Is this a result of Karma?  BeCause you find one more attractive than the other, the effect is that you like them more.

Have you ever noticed that when we meet a person who does not interest us romantically, they fall in love with us as if we are their soul mates?  Then on the other hand when we meet someone who is attractive to us, they tend to display ambivalence and aloofness towards us.  What is really the cause between the two that has such an effect on the outcome of relationships?

In the case of relationships between members of the opposite sex, I believe the initial reaction is based solely on appearances.  When you first meet someone and declare “I really like this person”, what you actually mean is “I really like the way this person looks”.  No one can possibly decide they really LIKE someone they have only known for a week.  The reality is you don’t even know this person. You have a strong attraction and want to get to know them, but you do not know them.Some couples declare “It was love at first sight”.  For me, this translates into “It was lust at first sight”.  Some of these couples are happy enough to remain in this partnership until actual love develops, but usually once the lust fizzles out so does the relationship.

Most people go through life with this quest to find that perfect someone.  Some people are successful while others are not.  Where lie’s the secret to this success?  I am embarking on a journey of understanding.  I am determined to understand how men and women think about people of the opposite sex, friends, and relationships as a whole.  I welcome input from both sexes about all kinds of relationships.

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